All Saints Sessions
Today I'm posting another set audio files from what I've been calling "The All Saints Sessions" which are a hand full of old audio recordings & videos captured at All Saint Anglican in Niagara Falls during the 1990`s. The post from the sessions consisted of audio files from Carols and Lessons today is Chrsitmas Eve and There is a post coming up in the spring of Easter 1993. I have an idea that there may be additional recordings in a box or or on a hard drive but, for now it`s just these three.
Background (or how we got here)
Originally recorded at All Saints Anglican Church in Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada December 24th 1998. The recordings where made with two mics run through a mixer then onto cassette. Neither the equipment nor my ability to use it was up to the enthusiasm I had for making the recording.
What had been captured was not exactly up to expectations. The cassette sat around in the hopes that something could be salvaged from it, eventually.
Somewhere around 2010 the cassette was digitized. Again with the hope that preserved in this new format some possibility of improvement might exist. The software I had and my knowledge of how to use it proved to be of little help at that time. So, they languished on a hard drive waiting for the time when the technology & (more importantly) my ability to use it could help.
Through working with video I have gained basic familiarity with adobe Audition audio software. I still wouldn't say I have any skill with it. But, I can identify some problems, find some answers and apply the answers when I find them.
There are still problems I can hear but cannot figure out how to address. This leaves us with something that is OK in spots and not in others. It also leaves us with something that is out in the world for people to listen to instead of sitting in a lonely folder.
The Files (or how to listen to the recording)
Links to the files are below. There is one file with the entire service & an option to download it in smaller pieces.Unfortunately downloading the files is a bit convoluted.
Click on the File & it will open a new tab.
From the new window you can download the file from the arrow button at top right.

All Saints Christmas Eve 1998 - Full
All Saints Christmas Eve 1998 - Part 1
All Saints Christmas Eve 1998 - Part 2
All Saints Christmas Eve 1998 - Part 3
All Saints Christmas Eve 1998 - Part 4
All Saints Christmas Eve 1998 - Part 5
All Saints Christmas Eve 1998 - Part 6
The files are basic mp3's and should pay on most devices.