Playing & Practicing
I've been playing around with objects I find around the house. Trying different things with angles, composition, lighting & lenses.

I rarely have a specific goal in mind aside from developing a better understanding of light, composition and the gear at my disposal. I (hopefully) create some decent images, but I often learn as much from the ones that don't work as I do from the ones that do.
Evey once in a while I try something that works out and I think "hey, I've really got something here. This new techniques is great!" then after I down load the images I realize it's not really new, It's actually something I've seen before or a combination of things I've seen.
Often it's something I tried before and couldn't get the result I wanted, and sometimes it's a technique I wasn't excited about until I combined it with something else & got a more interesting result.

I read enough blog posts & articles & watch enough tutorials that I've always got a few "things to try" in the back of my mind. Somehow they never really click until I try them out. Once I have an example ready to post, then, I have new tool to add to my bag of tricks.
That brings us back to playing around & tying new stuff. When I'm working on a specific project I usually play it pretty safe and projects also come with deadlines, so there's not much time to play around.
Which is why it's important to play around & try new things when the time is available. Develop new skills when you can, then they are ready and waiting in your tool box when the right project comes along.
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** all photos taken with canon 80D, canon 50mm f2.5 compact macro, 1 light (+ room light) & DIY diffusion.
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