years list seems longer than ever. I just kept jotting things down
when I thought of them, regardless of how practical or impracticable
they are. Therefore I don't have any expectations, just providing
are three sections this year. Stuff to do, stuff to buy & stuff
to search out.
to Do
- Tell someone about something I posted/made through Re-posting, forwarding, or sharing in some way.
- Comment on an item.
like last year I'm trying to gain a bit more of an audience, and
every little bit helps.
to Buy
- $Store: Crocks, headphones, toque, chapstick,
- Bridge mix, Chocolate Cherries, Maple Buds
- Cashews, almonds, pumpkin seeds, hot olives, old cheese,
coconut roll dates (bulk Barn #2195) - Track pants or 'lounge' pants size XXL
- Gloves for taking photos in the winter.
- Warm Blanket. Nothing special just a warm blanket. I'm adding this one because on some older pictures and realized I've been using the same one for at least 15 years.
- Totes. Rubbermaid or similar
- Vinyl Cafe CD “The Unreleased Stories” Digital version or CD version is also available. & the NEW Christmas book from amazon with unreleased stories
- Ticket to 'Mythos' by Stephen Fry & Starring Stephen Fry at the Shaw festival.
EXTRAS: Arrogant Worms Stuff clothing, book etc. (I already have the complete discography)
to Search Out
- Cheap Old camera lenses (1970's, 80's mostly) from thrift stores, garage sales etc. Cheap is the operative word here, if it's described as 'rare' or 'sought after' walk away. 1)BRAND/Mount If they are Nikkor/Nikkon, Canon FD, or Mintola MC are all great as I can use them right away. 2) Focal length is like a zoom, but there is only one number. Common lengths are: 28mm, 35mm, 50mm, 85mm, 100mm 135mm. there are bigger lengths, but I wouldn't bother with them.
- Christmas records (real vinyl records) almost any Christmas record is good. Unusual, interesting, & old are all bonus qualities, but the holy grail is still Firestone Christmas album #4. It's a 7 record set & I have them all except #4 . So, if your at a second hand store or a garage sale & see Firestone #4 you have found the perfect gift!
- While your looking at vinyl just about anything that's on 78 could be interesting.
- Any Anything by Louis Armstrong is good, especially older stuff.
- In the same vein, another item I'm always on the lookout for is bubble lights, not the reproductions, but the originals (40'&50's). These are basically impossible to find, but hey you never know.
UPDATES: (Things that have come up since posting)
* Hair trimmer
Merry Christmas!
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