Saturday, 18 November 2017

2017 Christmas List

This years list seems longer than ever. I just kept jotting things down when I thought of them, regardless of how practical or impracticable they are. Therefore I don't have any expectations, just providing information.
There are three sections this year. Stuff to do, stuff to buy & stuff to search out.

Stuff to Do
  • Follow me on: Flickr, YouTube, Vimeo, blogger, twitter, G+, Red Bubble
  • Tell someone about something I posted/made through Re-posting, forwarding, or sharing in some way.
  • Comment on an item.
Just like last year I'm trying to gain a bit more of an audience, and every little bit helps.

Stuff to Buy
  1. $Store: Crocks, headphones, toque, chapstick,
  2. Bridge mix, Chocolate Cherries, Maple Buds
  3. Cashews, almonds, pumpkin seeds, hot olives, old cheese,
    coconut roll dates (bulk Barn #2195)
  4. Track pants  or 'lounge' pants size XXL
  5. Gloves for taking photos in the winter.
  6. Warm Blanket. Nothing special just a warm blanket. I'm adding this one because on some older pictures and realized I've been using the same one for at least 15 years.
  7. Totes. Rubbermaid or similar
  8. Vinyl Cafe CD “The Unreleased Stories” Digital version or CD version is also available. & the NEW Christmas book from amazon with unreleased stories
  9. Ticket to 'Mythos' by Stephen Fry & Starring Stephen Fry at the Shaw festival.
     EXTRAS: Arrogant Worms Stuff clothing, book etc.  (I already have the complete discography)

Stuff to Search Out
(Wish List)
  1. Cheap Old camera lenses (1970's, 80's mostly) from thrift stores, garage sales etc. Cheap is the operative word here, if it's described as 'rare' or 'sought after' walk away. 1)BRAND/Mount If they are Nikkor/Nikkon, Canon FD, or Mintola MC are all great as I can use them right away. 2) Focal length is like a zoom, but there is only one number. Common lengths are: 28mm, 35mm, 50mm, 85mm, 100mm 135mm. there are bigger lengths, but I wouldn't bother with them.
  2. Christmas records (real vinyl records) almost any Christmas record is good. Unusual, interesting, & old are all bonus qualities, but the holy grail is still Firestone Christmas album #4. It's a 7 record set & I have them all except #4 . So, if your at a second hand store or a garage sale & see Firestone #4 you have found the perfect gift!
  3. While your looking at vinyl just about anything that's on 78 could be interesting.
  4. Any Anything by Louis Armstrong is good, especially older stuff.
  5. In the same vein, another item I'm always on the lookout for is bubble lights, not the reproductions, but the originals (40'&50's). These are basically impossible to find, but hey you never know.

    UPDATES: (Things that have come up since posting)
    * Hair trimmer

Merry Christmas!

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