Friday, 30 September 2016

PoTd - September 30

 Pic-of-The-day - "A Closer Look".
This series features homegrown heirloom tomatoes*.  As everyone with a garden knows, when tomatoes turn ripe, they all seem to ripen at the same time. So we had a whole bunch of different types of tomatoes waiting to be bagged & frozen for the winter. I was just going to take a shot or two..  and then got a bit carried away. I tried a few different things with composition, lighting & post production, I think some things worked better than others so, please let me know what you think. 

*more about heirloom plants

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Thursday, 29 September 2016

PoTd - September 29

 Pic-of-The-day - "Big & Small" OR "All Shapes & Sizes".
This next series features homegrown heirloom tomatoes*.  As everyone with a garden knows, when tomatoes turn ripe, they all seem to ripen at the same time. So we had a whole bunch of different types of tomatoes waiting to be bagged & frozen for the winter. I was just going to take a shot or two..  and then got a bit carried away. I tried a few different things with composition, lighting & post production, I think some things worked better than others so, please let me know what you think. 

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Wednesday, 28 September 2016

"interesting" new macro lens anounced

A specially macro lens by venus optics that has a max f14, but has a 2:1 ratio.  That sounds pretty cool,  I've seen a few pics of the lens , but none taken WITH the lens.

Here is something that could be cool, or maybe just strange.  
Since it's only been announced I don't think we'll know which until they are out in the wild.

Find out more at No Film School.

PoTd - September 28

 Pic-of-The-day - "Spring Shoots". A young apple tree in the spring.

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Tuesday, 27 September 2016

PoTd - September 27

 Pic-of-The-day - "Macro Madness". 

This is now getting close to obsession, but I'm not complaining.

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Monday, 26 September 2016

PoTd - September 26

 Pic-of-The-day - "Peeking Inside ".
I have  confession. I was never that crazy about macro. Sure it looked cool & could serve a purpose, but it was never that crazy about it, until I tried shooting some macro (not just medium close shots) and then I really got hooked. I can easily see macro progrssing from 'a style I shoot sometimes' to a strange obsession. Luckily I haven't crossed that line, yet... as far as I can tell.

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Sunday, 25 September 2016

PoTd - September 25, 2016

 Pic-of-The-day - "Top Down" (1&2).
I started this day with a plan to get away from my usual spots and shoot something new, but ended up spending about three hours in my front yard.
One advantage to shooting at home is you don't have to worry about what to bring and what to leave behind. All your gear is a few steps away, which in this case meant going down a rabit hole with a macro adaptor & vintage lenses.

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Saturday, 24 September 2016

PoTd - September 24, 2016

 Pic-of-The-day - "Closer Look ". Lovin' those colours. red stripes on yellow in the late evening summer sun.

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Friday, 23 September 2016

PoTd - September 23, 2016

 Pic-of-The-day - "Sunset Red". As opposed to the suble colours & blending from yesterday, Todays flowers have bold colours & jagged interactions of the colours instead of blending.

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Thursday, 22 September 2016

It's finally autumn!

I love Fall!
The less oppressive weather, the softer sun light, the falling leaves, Halloween & the great photo opportunities all appeal to me.

So, in recognition of the 1st day of autumn here in the northern hemisphere I'm starting to post Autumn photos I took last year but didn't get around to posting.

I'll continue posting fall photos in small(ish) batches over the next little while.

Once the signs of fall arrive here in the Niagara region I'll be posting nice fresh fall photos.

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PoTd - September 22, 2016

Pic-of-The-day - "Delicate Colour". I like the subtle colours & the way they blend together.  In the coming days I 'll be posting some flowers with bolder colours.

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PoTd - September 22, 2016

Pic-of-The-day - "Delicate Colour". I like the subtle colours & the way they blend together.  In the coming days I 'll be posting some flowers with bolder colours.

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Wednesday, 21 September 2016

PoTd - September 21, 2016

"Chug Chug Chug". The Upper Niagara River in Chippawa.

Two similar photos taken with the 72mm flip (optic) from my cinevate cyclops*.

Two similar photos taken with the 72mm flip (optic) from my cinevate cyclops*.

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*The Cyclops is a view finder that enlargers the LCD image for easier view & help with critical focus. The 72mm flip is the optical element that enlarges the image. It can also be removed and threaded on to a lens to get a macro effect.

Tuesday, 6 September 2016

PoTd - October 6

 Pic-of-The-day - "Infrared".
A few more from my adventures with an infrared filter.

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