Saturday, 1 August 2020

It's August !

It's august 1st, that means a few things to me:
It's about a month til labour day,
It's less than 3 months til' Halloween,
It should be less than 3 weeks til' Summefolk and,
It's the first Day of The Dog Days of Podcasting.

*Labour Day is usually the last of summer before back to school. I've heard schools will be going back on time but, not as usual. 
*Halloween is on a Saturday this year, which is kinda nice. 
*I'm still not sure what's going on in place of Summerfolk.  there have been a few ideas floated but, nothing has been decided. They are having a 5 Hour Radio broadcast (CFOS) on Sunday August 23,  with some live performances. So that's a definite part of what ever else happens that weekend. 
*The Dog Days of Podcasting is what really made me realize it's suddenly August.  Ok, it might not be sudden to you but, it was to me.
The Dog Days of Podcasting is a sort of informal challenge to make and post a podcast each day during the month of august.  I tried it for the 1st time last year and enjoyed it, even if I did miss a few days... and post a few episodes late. 
So the question is do I want to do it again?
Yes and no.  Yes I'd like to do it & enjoyed it last year & it's something I should do more of. on the no side, it is undoubtedly a lot of time & a lot of work. & I don't want to start it and then not finish it.
So, I recorded a short episode today saying "wow is it august already?". After work I 'm going to decide weather to post it and participate, or to just listen this year.

As for August itself it's unmistakably in the second half of the year.  July is technically in the second half of the year but, it feel more like a pause in the middle of year. August on the other hand feels more like the 2nd half of the year. The days get a little shorter but the oppressive heat is less prominent.  There's still lots of warm sunny days but there's also breezes & sun showers.

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