I was listening to the excellent "Folklore Podcast" and the host was talking about ghost stories and said that the "landscape around the uk is rich in" (ghost & folk horror legends & stories).
I'd agree that the landscape of the UK is rich in those stories. I supposed that that the lascape was rich in these stories, at least in part, because of how long it has people living in it.
While thinking about that I realized that great antiquity isn't what's needed for ghsot stories to inhabit a landscape.
What's needed is youth. All it takes to have a ghost story set in a specific landscape is to have kids that know there where people here before them. Even if those people are only one generation removed from them, they can still see it as a very long time ago. Remember what you 8, eight years is a lifetime.
The though that someone died or was buried near by is all that's needed for a ghost story. So, for a landscape to be rich with stories requries only one thing. People that tell stories.
That's my story for today.
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