Wednesday, 31 January 2018

Quick Video to get a bit of Practice.

I was watching a few tutorials and took a break to make a coffee and ended up with this video.
It's an excuse to practice a few things I was watching in a very short project.


Some of the Specific things I was practicing are low key lighting, tracking for text, lumetri & adjustment layers.  Even this tiny piece took most of the evening to shoot, edit, finish & post. Which is part of the reason I should keep practicing.

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Friday, 19 January 2018

Random Ideas: Could learning toki pona benefit an aging population?

 First, What's Toki Pona?

Short answer: A constructed language with only 120 root words.
Longer answers can be found  here Wiki &

The language is designed to be simple, minimalist, and somewhat universal. But, the specifics aren't that important to the original question. Could learning toki pona benefit an aging population?

The point is that the language work very different from ours. With 120 words you need to combine words and thoughts in new ways. You need to conceptualize things differently. More to the point you have to think differently and, from what I've read, thinking differently can be helpful in maintaining our mental faculties as we age.

So when I heard about this constructed language and how it works my first thought was "I should try to learn a bit of it" & the second was "could that be useful for preventing dementia?" I don't know enough about dementia to answer that question but, it did lead me to to another thought.

If learning a new language is supposed to be good for maintaining mental agility, wouldn't learning a language designed to make you think differently be the perfect choice?

I have  looked at toki pona, but I haven't learned any, just read a bit & looked.

Learning toki pona is for that magical day in the future, when I have time to spare and nothing to fill it with. When a day like that comes along I can sit down and learn Toki Pona.

Saturday, 6 January 2018

Christmas . . . Still?

Yep!  . . . .  well, Sort Of.


Today is Epiphany, which is the traditional end to the Christmas Season.

The Twelve Days of Christmas are done, the Yule lads have all gone back to their cave til next December & regular work should resume on Monday.  At least that was the tradition. Today most of us went back to work long ago.

 This is my last Christmas post for a while. (I do have a folder for next year already)
A few pics to wrap up the season that's return seems to already be looming on the horizon.
I think the retail world is  planning to start their Christmas displays right  before Easter this year.
OK, that might not be completely accurate, but it's not too far from the truth.

"Bland January"
"Merry Christmas"
"Merry Christmas" is over 
"Bland January" is here.

(actually, I could use a bit of bland after all that food)

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