Sunday, 8 November 2020

Damn Rabbits !

I could get things done a lot faster if there weren't so many (online) rabbit holes to fall down and take up my time!

That's all for today, becasue I ha e a rabbit hole to dig myself out of.

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Want to see more?   I'm also on  Flickr, VimeoYouTube.

Saturday, 1 August 2020

It's August !

It's august 1st, that means a few things to me:
It's about a month til labour day,
It's less than 3 months til' Halloween,
It should be less than 3 weeks til' Summefolk and,
It's the first Day of The Dog Days of Podcasting.

*Labour Day is usually the last of summer before back to school. I've heard schools will be going back on time but, not as usual.